Case Studies
OI: Glass Storage Bins

The Challenge
Since 1922, O-I has supported the local food and beverage industries, particularly in the wine sector.
When seeking a storage solution, O-I identified the following key attributes:
- Durability, as glass is abrasive and can react harshly with contact surfaces
- Flexibility, as the volume of recycled glass (cullet) varies throughout the production cycle
- Stability, as contamination can destroy the value of their product
- Health & Safety, requiring a highly stable containment solution
- Cost-effectiveness and engineering to high standards
- Support for the company's corporate sustainability mission
A significant challenge is separating different colours and grades of glass. "If we can separate the glass into specific colour groupings, it allows the plant to maximise their cullet usage," Penny explains. "The batch and furnace manager needs to know exactly what type of glass is going into the mix, and Interbloc's flexible storage solutions help us provide this certainty."
The Solution
Initially, Interbloc produced bulk storage bins for O-I during a substantial redevelopment in 2009/10. The flexibility of the system impressed Penny, who has since utilised the blocks for both temporary and permanent storage throughout O-I's facilities. "It's efficient, reliable, and flexible—that's why we choose Interbloc," Penny explains. "And the service is excellent."
Interbloc is a well-established player in the flexible storage solutions market, serving both rural and commercial clients. With over 10 years of experience and a specialist track record, Interbloc has been recognised for its sustainable business practices and has expanded its footprint over the past decade into new regions. "We supply blocks for large, complex site installations," says Scott Bright, Managing Director, "but we also cater to smaller client requirements where they can install the solution themselves." The Interbloc business model allows them to offer cost-effective solutions for those on a budget and build engineered solutions for clients with strict compliance guidelines.
The Benefits
Having a safe and durable solution is paramount, but the ability to configure as business needs change is a significant advantage for many clients. This flexibility extends the lifespan of the product well beyond that of traditional bulk storage and containment offerings.
O-I is committed to sustainability at both national and international levels. It actively seeks to incorporate as much recycled glass into the manufacturing process as possible, with a global goal of achieving an average of 60% recycled material. Essentially, when you put a bottle in the recycling bin, it is likely to end up as cullet at O-I, to be used in manufacturing new container glass.
Managing the cullet presents its own challenges. Interbloc’s business practices and values align with those of O-I, with both companies committed to sustainability. Interbloc continues to innovate in product design and deliver cost-effective solutions for retaining walls, bulk storage, feed bins, temporary structures, and various other applications.